Hemp Seeds for Protein

Hemp Seeds for Protein

Renowned as nutrient-packed and powerful, hemp seeds supercharge your diet with a plethora of protein, nutrients and essential fatty acids. Unlike other seeds and legumes, hemp seeds come with no genetic modifications or alterations; so you get all the benefits straight from nature.

At Hemp Gallery, we stock an extensive range of high quality hemp products. Versatile and practical, we craft hemp into everything from fabrics to skincare and beauty. Explore our full range of hemp products online and shop our hemp seeds and oils to add an instant nutrient boost to your diet.


Essential for building and maintaining muscle, protein is a critical part of every person’s diet. From bodybuilders and gym junkies to teachers and accountants, we all need protein to fuel our bodies.

Hemp seeds and protein powder contain all of the 21 known amino acids, including the nine essential amino acids that the body isn’t able to produce independently. An incredible plant-based protein, hemp contains a whopping 50-70% more protein than flax or chia and is an ideal source of added protein for vegan and vegetarian diets.


High in omega 3,6 and 9 and a range of essential fatty acids, hemp seeds provide your body with nutrients for healthy and optimal function. Helping to naturally balance inflammation levels, the omegas are critical in strengthening the immune system and keeping you safe against viruses and bacteria.

In addition to boosting your immune system and function, hemp seeds provide your body with the omegas and fatty acids required for skin health. Once you add hemp seeds to either your diet or as a topical solution, you’ll notice a boost in the health and condition of your skin.


Acting as a natural appetite suppressant, hemp seeds can aid in your weight loss regime. Naturally low in carbs but high in fibre, adding hemp seeds to your diet helps you feel fuller for longer by banishing cravings and the desire to unnecessarily snack.

Not only just keeping you full, the suite of nutrients and essential fatty acids works to enhance your overall health, immune system and wellbeing.


Hemp seeds generally become hulled or with their shell intact. With seemingly endless options, here’s how we love to include hemp seeds in our diets:

  • Blended into a powder and added to your favourite smoothie. Our latest batch of protein powder is 60% protein.
  • Sprinkled over salads or a smoothie bowl
  • Used as an oil replacement for olive oil as a salad dressing
  • Incorporated into granola or with yoghurt
  • Hemp Milk (recipe and means to make it included with the packet)
  • Pestos and dips (see recipes on our website. E-book coming out soon)

Get creative with your hemp seeds and find out what works for you – your body will love the nutrient boost!


High in protein and packed full of nutrients, hemp is nature’s powerful superfood that’s on the rise. Whether consumed as a seed, powder or oil, hemp provides the body with a plethora of benefits to maintain good health and function.

At Hemp Gallery, we make finding hemp products and foods easy. Shop our entire range of hemp foods online and explore our collections of hemp fabrics and homewares.

Our Hemp Seeds are now packed in compostable bio bags, inside a 100% hemp nutmilk bag with instructions on how to make your own hemp mylk.

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Hemp Seeds

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